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For this project, you will create a poster that diagrams a made up roller coaster. This roller coaster will contain calculations of g's, velocities, heights, spring constants, etc.

Due Date
No late papers accepted.
This counts as a lab grade.
You may work in groups of 2 or by yourself.

Presentation guidelines:
Neatly drawn with a magic marker.
straight lines drawn with a straight edge or computer
smooth curves drawn with drawing aides or a computer
no white out
virtually no smudges
grid lines drawn every set distance with a ball point pen
bigger than 10" X 13"
smaller than 30" X 36"
Must be drawn on poster board or mounted to poster board
The board must have the coaster without any numbers drawn on it.
The board must have a plastic sheet cover.

  • The cover contains all numbers and answers. These numbers are to be placed at the corresponding locations on the coaster track.
  • The plastic cover must be attached only at the top of the poster board.

Calculation guidelines:
Every hill, dip and loop top and bottom.
Calculate and label the velocity, centripetal acceleration expressed in m/s2, and the g's felt by the rider.
Every linear force (either from a graph or pure number)
Calculate and label the force at the beginning where the force is applied and at the end of where the force is applied. Also calculate the acceleration of the due to this force expressed in m/s2 and g's.
Every spring
Calculate and label the spring constant.
Calculate and label maximum compression distance of the spring.
Calculate and label the velocity of the coaster's car before it hits the spring.
EVERY SINGLE CALCULATION must be NEATLY written on a 1/2 sheet of paper.
Maximum positive g's must be less than 10 g's to be considered for an "A" grade.
Maximum negative g's must be less than 4 g's to be considered for an "A" grade.
Must contain at least one loop
Must contain one spring OR force that does work -whose force is calculated from a graph.

Grades are based on the neatness of your presentation and the correctness of your work. It is hard to get an "A." An "A" project follows all the rules above and is creative. It is the exemplary project. It is easier to get a "B."

If you use or find this page useful or have any comments, please contact the author so maybe he'll do more. Author: Tony Wayne



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