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Broom Ball
Official Broom Ball Rules & Regulations:
  • The object of the game is to navigate the course from start to finish in as little time as possible (avoiding time penalties!)
  • Players must only touch the bowling ball with the bristles of the broom using a sweeping motion. Using any other part of the broom is a 20 second time penalty! Bowling ball must start from rest in the Start box.
  • Bowling ball must be brought to rest at the end in the same box.
  • Any ball moving across the side boundary of the "No Touch Zone" must be brought back to the beginning of that "No Touch Zone" and must successfully navigate that zone before proceeding.
  • Minimum of 3 players per team:
    • Player 1 must move the ball from the Start box, through the first "No Touch Zone", and completely around the first obstacle.
    • Player 2 will receive the ball from player 1 and move it through the second "No Touch Zone" and completely around the second obstacle.
    • Player 3 will receive the ball from player 2, move it through the 31"<1 no "No Touch Zone", and completely around the third obstacle.
    • If a 4th player is available, they will take the ball from player 3, move it to the "Start" box, and bring it to rest If no 4th player is available, the 31rd player must accomplish this task
10 seconds Ball moves across side border of "No Touch Zone."
10 seconds

Ball touches any wall, cabinet, or cabinet leg in the classroom.

10 seconds Ball is touched inside the "No Touch Zone."
10 seconds The Ball overshoots the finish box
20 seconds The ball is touched by something other than the bristles of the broom using a sweeping motion.


Discussion Questions
1. Describe the motion of the ball as you navigated the course from start to
finish. Specifically describe the motion for the following:
  • At rest in the Start box until the first no touch zone.



  • Through the no touch zone.



  • Around an obstacle.



  • From the last turn back into the Start box at rest.



2. For each stage of the motion in #1, describe what you had to do to produce that motion.
  • At rest in the Start box



  • To start the ball moving until the first no touch zone.



  • Through the no touch zone.



  • Around an obstacle.



  • From the last turn back into the Start box at rest.



3. For each stage of the motion in #1 for the bowling ball; define the system, draw the system schema, and draw a force diagram.
  • At rest in the start box

System Schema


Force Diagram


Bowling ball on the floor


  • To start the ball moving until the first no touch zone

System Schema


Force Diagram


Bowling ball on the floor



  • Through the first no touch zone

System Schema


Force Diagram


Bowling ball on the floor



  • Around the obstacle pylon.

System Schema


Force Diagram


Bowling ball on the floor



  • From the 1st turn into the "Start Box" at rest

System Schema


Force Diagram


Bowling ball on the floor



4. What can you conclude about the relationship between the motion of the bowling ball and the forces acting on the bowling ball based on your answer to numbers's 1 ,2 and 3, above.

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