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Kite Contest

GOAL: To build and fly a kite for one minute at the end a string 25 feet long.

No teams are allowed
Balloon kites, kites that are inflated, are NOT allowed.
The contestant's name must be clearly visible on the kite , not on the tail.

Minimum points for construction of a kite. Remember NO KITS!.
(the more difficult the kite, the more points awarded.)
10 more points for a kite that flies 25 feet off the ground for 1 minute.
40 total points for the 4 smallest kites to fly 25 feet off the ground for 1 minute.
40 total points for the 4 largest kites to fly 25 feet off the ground for 1 minute.
40 total points for the 4 most decrative kites to fly 25 feet off the ground for 1 minute.
40 total points for the 4 most unique kite structure to fly 25 feet off the ground for 1 min.

Another kite design

Go to the Contest Home Page

A special thanks to VASTfor hosting our web site.