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CO2 Dragster Race

To build a CO2 dragster from a kit that will cover 80 feet the quickest.

Students will build a Carbon Dioxide, CO2, cartridge powered dragster from a kit. Kits must be purchased from your science teacher for $4.00. The $4.00 includes the cost of the CO2 cartridge. (Financial assistance is available if you qualify -see your science teacher). All cartridges will be given at the time of the contest.
Each car that is entered and judged safe will be awarded 10 points. The rest of the points are awarded based on a comparison with the fastest dragster. (If you dragster is 20% as fast as the fastest then you will earn 10 points plus (0.20 * 20 points) for a total of 14 points.)

The school must drill holes for the axles in you kit before you begin carving the body . You must mark on your car where the axles are to be placed. The axles must be 3/8" from the bottom of the car. You may decide how far forward or backwards they may be placed. The 3/8" is important be cause the CO2 cartridge holes need the same height off the ground.

The lighter the dragster, the faster it will travel.
The student's name, science period, and teacher must be clearly
labeled on the bottom of the car.
A car that "looks" fast generally has good aerodynamics for
reducing air resistance.
Contestants are expected to be at the race site during their
science period.
A smooth paint job is best thing to do to speed up a light dragster.

Make sure there at least .75 inches of wood in front of the CO2 cartridge's hole. Cars which do not meet the minimum design requirements will not be allowed to compete and will not receive any points. In the event of a tie in the top 3 positions, there will be a run-off using extra cartridges supplied by the school. Only one run will be allowed for the contest; if time permits , additional heats (for fun) will be run.

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